The Sugar BEAT Digest


“Letting Go” of your Need to Control to Improve Digestion. Part 2

Before getting started, if you haven’t had an opportunity to read Part 1: “Is Your Need to Control Creating Digestive Troubles?”, or you need a refresher, you can do so HERE.

Once you are caught up, or refreshed, you will have a better idea of how this simple, three step process might be able to help you improve digestion with your colon.

As previously mentioned, the first step is about acknowledging what control issues you have. This is where you will need to look at all the things throughout the different areas of your life – work, home life, relationships, finances, etc. and start by picking the biggest one. That is, the one area that you feel would be difficult to “let go” control of. The one you feel will fall apart or get off track if you pass it off, or stop applying constant pressure and attention to it.

Once you have the one big area or item, write out a list of all the different components that are involved with this and drill down as far as you can go for each of those pieces. This is getting you to look at the smaller pieces that are involved and helps to get even more clear on identifying what you can let go of.

Here’s an example. Let’s say the one big area that you are having difficulty with letting go control of is at work. There is a big project that you are in charge of and lots needs to happen to ensure that the deadline is met.

The components involved in this project are people, products, technology, reporting.

Here’s what breaking these out further may look like:

  • People - direct reports and their people - managing schedules, hiring, training, meeting deadlines etc.

  • Products - products to launch, training on the products, delivery of the products, samples of the products etc.

  • Technology - new software used for tracking and reporting, trouble shooting, training etc.

  • Reporting - new reports and methods of data collection, training on data entry in field timing, etc.

And keep breaking them down further as needed.

Once you have everything listed out, you can start step two. Go back through each of the components and each of the items listed underneath them and one by one ask yourself:

“Truth - Do I absolutely have to be controlling this piece to get to the desired goal?”

Cross off any of the items that you can answer “No” to this.

Now this is the best part, step three! And this is where you will need to get really truthful with yourself. Go back to each component and go through each item that is not crossed off and do the following for each:Talk up your brand.

  • · Read the item and take a deep breath in and ask – “Truth - is there anywhere I can let go of some control with this?” Breathe out and just sit with the silence for a few breathes.

  • Read the item and take a deep breath in and ask – “Truth – what is the value in trying to control this?” Breathe out and just sit with the silence for a few breathes.

  • Read the item and take a deep breath in and ask – “Truth – what else is possible with releasing and surrendering any or all control with this?” Breathe out and again, just sit with the silence for a few breathes.

Go through each of these, asking all of the questions for each item. If you get any answers or ideas, jot them down beside the item, but don’t stop to think further into them. It’s like brainstorming where digging deeper into one idea will stop the flow of new ideas coming. Just write them down and move onto the next question. And if nothing comes up for you, that’s okay too. Just sit with the silence and space.

Once you have completed going through all items, check in with how your body is feeling and how you are feeling about the overall topic. It may feel lighter when you think about it, or just different. If it doesn’t feel like anything has shifted, again that’s okay.

Try doing step three again the next day and again the next day for each of the components and items of that one big topic or area, doing it for a minimum of 12 days. And see how things change and shift with your feeling around needing to control things with that topic. How they are shifting with your body and especially your digestion.

And if you are really wanting to make some changes, try all three steps on the other areas of your life. Remember, once you acknowledge that you are overcontrolling things in an area, then change is possible. And if you can do it through all the different areas of your life, just imagine the changes you could make and the things you could finally let go of – including digestive issues with your colon.

We would love to hear about your results with trying this tool, or any of the other tips and tools that you have received with the “Healthy Gut Digest.”  Let us know at

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